Date: Friday, October 30, 2009 |

Get Your Money

Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009 |
Nak kongsi Wang Sila Klik

Wedding Amirul Fifi

Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009 |
Amirul Fifi at Cendor 10-10-09
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Essence of Budget 2010 (Inti pati Bajet 2010)

Date: Friday, October 23, 2009 |
KUALA LUMPUR: The following is the essence of the 2010 Budget presented Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, in the Dewan Rakyat today.

* The Malaysian economy is expected to grow 2-3 percent in 2010

* Mining is expected to increase 1.1 percent, manufacturing 1.7 per cent, agriculture 2.5 percent, construction 3.2 percent and services 3.6 percent.

* Private consumption grew 2.9 percent while private investment 3.4 per cent

* Per capita income increased 2.5 per cent to RM24, 661

* TNB will spend RM5 billion to implement the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in 2010

* Description same public-private complex will include immigration, customs and quarantine integrated in Bukit Kayu Hitam, the construction of six campuses and centers UiTM Matrade.

* 1Malaysia Development Ltd (1MDB) will establish a corporate social responsibility funds amounting to RM100 million as initial funding for activities msyarakat.

* The Government will allocate RM899 million to boost the tourism industry.

* The government will increase tax incentives to health care providers who offer health services to foreign tourists with the exception of income tax increased from 50 per cent increase in value of export earnings to 100 percent.

* Taxpayers given individual income tax exemption on broadband subscriptions up to RM500 per year from 2010 to 2012.

* Civil servants be allowed to make loans to buy computers every three years up to a maximum of RM5, 000 compared to once every five years.

* Formulating Halal Act to joint ventures Majlis Agama Islam states.

* Memperbadankan Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) as the agency under Miti.

* Expediting Halal certification by the Jail through joint ventures with institutions antarabanga to obtain certification standards such as HACCP and GMP.

* Provide RM24 million to develop a product system antipenyeludupan Halal products in three main entrance and three ports.

* Allocating RM137 million to enhance and improve irrigation and drainage infrastructure in the rice bowl 180.000 involving farmers.

* Allocating RM70 million to implement the project Paya Peda Dam in Terengganu to increase water supply capacity to Padi in Besut Irrigation Scheme.

* Allocating RM82 million to modernize industry and aquaculture pelaksaan entrepreneurial training scheme for animal aquaculture, with a focus on seed production of fish and ornamental fish.

* RM149 million allocation for the plantation industry to develop food such as food, vegetables, organic farming, herbal, seaweed and birds nest swift.

* Provision of RM58 million to develop basic infrastructure and establish farms for supply chain production and meat goats.

* Consortium Felda, Felcra and Risda will be established by the end of 2009, with paid-up capital of RM300 million to RM100 million each contributing agency.

* Government to provide subsidies, incentives and assistance amounting to RM2 billion for farmers and fishermen to protect their interests.

* Provision of RM9 billion to fund infrastructure projects, with RM4.7 billion for road and bridge projects, RM2.6 billion for water supply and sewerage services, rail facilities to RM899 million, RM820 million for port and marine services as well as RM276 million to the project field fly.

* Integrate the 79 funds to 33 to facilitate SME access to financing SMEs. Will be coordinated by the SME Corp.

* Allocate RM350 million to BCE Corp., with a RM200 million soft loan to SMEs, RM100 million to increase capacity and balance penjenaman and promotion.

* Financial institutions approved financing macro on average six days and delivery within four days.

* Allocate RM538 million to SMEs with the implementation of various programs to RM281 million state economic development corporation, Tekun and RM200 million to RM57 million to buy business premises, infrastructure and so forth.

* RM149 million allocation for the plantation industry to develop food such as food, vegetables, organic farming, herbal, seaweed and birds nest swift.

* Provision of RM58 million to develop basic infrastructure and establish farms for supply chain production and meat goats.

* Consortium Felda, Felcra and Risda will be established by the end of 2009, with paid-up capital of RM300 million to RM100 million each contributing agency.

* Government to provide subsidies, incentives and assistance amounting to RM2 billion for farmers and fishermen to protect their interests.

* Provision of RM9 billion to fund infrastructure projects, with RM4.7 billion for road and bridge projects, RM2.6 billion for water supply and sewerage services, rail facilities to RM899 million, RM820 million for port and marine services as well as RM276 million to the project field fly.

* Integrate the 79 funds to 33 to facilitate SME access to financing SMEs. Will be coordinated by the SME Corp.

* Allocate RM350 million to RM200 million SME Corp. with soft loans to SMEs, RM100 million to increase capacity and bankinya and penjenaman campaign.

* Financial institutions approved financing macro on average six days and delivery within four days.

* Allocate RM538 million to SMEs with the implementation of various programs to RM281 million state economic development corporation, for RM200 million and RM57 million TEKUN to buy business premises, infrastructure and so forth.

* Introduce basic insurance and takaful scheme for motor insurance cover in mid-2010.

* Expanding coverage of takaful insurance and micro businesses to small, with the benefit of protection from RM10, 000 to RM20, 000 in premiums as low as RM20 per month.

* Market shares will be liberalized further to increase efficiency.

* Meliberalisasi commission sharing arrangements between stockbrokers and remisiers to allow flexible sharing of brokerage at a minimum rate of 40 percent and fully liberalize partnership komisten effective January 1, 2011.

* Allow 100 per cent foreign equity participation in the company's financial planning and corporate finance.

* All listed companies will offer e-pemerokeran stock dividend and the company provides e-payment option.

* Tax incentives for existing financial services, especially in Islamic finance, extended until 2015.

Exemption from stamp duty of 20 percent over the development of Islamic financial instruments.

Exemption from tax profit level dariapda banks operating overseas.

* Double deduction for expenses incurred to promote Malaysia as an international financial center.

* Deduction for expenses incurred for the establishment of Islamic stockbroking companies.

* Deduction for expenses incurred for the issuance of securities.

* The Government will encourage all banks and financial institutions that comply with sharia as the Bank Transactions and the Bank to offer Islamic Ar-Rahnu scheme.

* The Government will ensure that regional development corridor developed according to schedule. So far 126 from 195 projects in various stages of implementation planning. Planned investment amounting to RM221 billion expenditure already overcome the Ninth Malaysia Plan target of RM145 billion.

* Government has allocated RM3.5 billion to basic facilities and infrastructure and training programs and projects for socio-economic pelaksaan support private sector projects.

* The Government is currently preparing a study in the early stages of implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST). Deducting any outstanding rates will be compared to current sales and service tax.

* Income tax for 2010 based on income earned from 2009 will be allowed to be paid in installments within five years.

* Tax-five percent will be levied on profits from disposal of property effect from 1 Jan, 2010.

* Service tax of RM50 is imposed on each major credit cards and charge cards and RM25 a year for each additional card from January 1, 2010.

* RM100, 000 imposed for each AP to AP card holder open force January 1, 2010. Part of the proceeds will be channeled to fund the development of Bumiputera in the automotive sector.

* Will introduce basic and takaful insurance scheme for motor insurance cover in mid-2010.

* Will expand the coverage of micro-insurance and takaful peniagaan small to benefit from the protection of RM10, 000 to RM20, 000 with premiums as low as RM20 per month.

* Market shares for liberalized efficiency.

* Allow 100 per cent foreign equity participation in corporate finance and financial planning.

* All public companies will offer a list of e-dividend and stock broking company provides e-payment option.

* Tax incentives for Forward current financial services, especially in Islamic finance, extended until 2015.

Exemption from stamp duty up to 20 preatus Islamic financial instruments.

Exemption from tax on profits earned through banking operations overseas.

* Beginning January 1, 2010, the government agreed to allow government agencies to maintain 50 per cent rent received while the remaining 50 percent entered in government procurement.

* The Government will execute fuel subsidy management system in early 2010.

* Government proposes maximum income tax rate reduced to 26 per cent from 27 per cent with effect from year of assessment 2010.

* Cooperative maximum tax rate will be reduced to 26 percent while the tax rate fixed for non-resident individuals will be reduced to 26 percent.

* Pengecualaian cukan private will be increased to RM9, 000 from RM8, 000 with effect from year of assessment 2010.

* Government proposes income tax for income of Malaysian workers and foreign workers residing and working in Iskandar Malaysia maksium than 15 percent to 26 percent nationwide.

* RM14.8 billion diperuntuk to manage, build and upgrade clinics and hospitals.

* The Government will publish Sukuk 1Malaysia RM3 billion.

* The Government will establish 1Malaysia Retirement Scheme managed by the EPF. - Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Berikut ialah inti pati Bajet 2010 yang dibentangkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

* Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka berkembang 2-3 peratus pada 2010

* Perlombongan dijangka meningkat 1.1 peratus, pembuatan 1.7 peratus, pertanian 2.5 peratus, pembinaan 3.2 peratus dan perkhidmatan 3.6 peratus.

* penggunaan swasta berkembang 2.9 peratus manakala pelaburan swasta 3.4 peratus

* pendapatan per kapita meningkat 2.5 peratus kepada RM24,661

* TNB akan membelanjakan RM5 bilion untuk melaksanakan penjanaan, penghantaran dan pengagihan elektrik pada 2010

* Usaha sama awam-swasta akan meliputi kompleks imigresen, kastam dan kuarantin bersepadu di Bukit Kayu Hitam, pembinaan enam kampus UiTM dan pusat Matrade.

* 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) akan mewujudkan dana tanggungjawab sosial korporat berjumlah RM100 juta sebagai permulaan untuk membiayai aktiviti msyarakat.

* Kerajaan akan memperuntukkan RM899 juta untuk meningkatkan industri pelancongan.

* Kerajaan akan meningkatkan insentif cukai kepada penyedia perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan yang menawarkan perkhidmatan kepada pelancong kesihatan rakyat asing dengan pengecualian cukai pendapatan ditingkatkan daripada 50 peratus nilai peningkatan pendapatan eksport kepada 100 peratus.

* Pembayar cukai pendapatan individu diberikan pengecualian cukai ke atas langganan jalur lebar sehingga RM500 setahun mulai 2010 hingga 2012.

* Penjawat awam dibenar membuat pinjaman untuk membeli komputer setiap tiga tahun sehingga maksimum RM5,000 berbanding sekali setiap lima tahun.

* Merangka Akta Halal dengan usaha sama Majlis Agama Islam negeri-negeri.

* Memperbadankan Perbadanan Pembangunan Industri Halal (HDC) sebagai agensi di bawah Miti.

* Menyegerakan Pensijilan Halal oleh Jakim menerusi usaha sama dengan institusi antarabanga bagi memperoleh pensijilan standard seperti HACCP dan GMP.

* Menyediakan RM24 juta untuk membangunkan produk sistem antipenyeludupan produk Halal di tiga pintu masuk utama dan tiga pelabuhan utama.

* Memperuntukkan RM137 juta untuk meningkatkan dan memperbaiki infrastruktur saliran dan perparitan di jelapang padi membabitkan 180,000 petani.

* Memperuntukkan RM70 juta untuk melaksanakan Projek Empangan Paya Peda di Terengganu bagi meningkatkan keupayaan bekalan air untuk Skim Pengairan Padi di Besut.

* Memperuntukkan RM82 juta untuk memodenkan industri akuakultur dan pelaksaan skim latihan keusahawanan bagi ternakan akuakultur, dengan tumpuan terhadap pengeluaran benih ikan dan ikan hiasan.

* Peruntukan RM149 juta untuk untuk bangunkan industri perladangan makanan seperti makanan, sayur-sayuran, perladangan organik, herba, rumpai laut dan sarang burung layang-layang.

* Peruntukan RM58 juta untuk bangunkan infrastruktur asas ladang ternakan dan mewujudkan rangkaian bekalan untuk pengeluaran daging dan kambing.

* Konsortium Felda, Felcra dan Risda akan diwujudkan menjelang akhir tahun 2009, dengan modal berbayar RM300 juta dengan setiap agensi menyumbang RM100 juta.

* Kerajaan menyediakan subsidi, insentif dan bantuan berjumlah RM2 bilion untuk petani dan nelayan untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka.

* Peruntukan RM9 bilion untuk biayai projek infrastruktur, dengan RM4.7 bilion untuk projek jalan dan jambatan, RM2.6 bilion untuk bekalan air dan perkhidmatan pembentungan, RM899 juta untuk kemudahan rel, RM820 juta untuk perkhidmatan pelabuhan dan laut serta RM276 juta untuk projek lapangan terbang.

* Menyepadukan 79 dana PKS kepada 33 untuk memudahkan akses kepada pembiayaan PKS. Akan diselaraskan oleh SME Corp.

* Memperuntuk RM350 juta kepada SME Corp, dengan RM200 juta untuk pinjaman mudah PKS, RM100 juta peningkatan keupayaan dan bakinya untuk penjenaman dan promosi.

* Institusi kewangan meluluskan pembiayaan makro pada purata enam hari dan penyerahan dalam tempoh empat hari.

* Memperuntuk RM538 juta untuk pelaksanaan pelbagai program PKS dengan RM281 juta kepada perbadanan kemajuan ekonomi negeri, RM200 juta untuk Tekun dan RM57 juta untuk membeli premis perniagaan, infrastruktur dan sebagainya.

* Peruntukan RM149 juta untuk untuk bangunkan industri perladangan makanan seperti makanan, sayur-sayuran, perladangan organik, herba, rumpai laut dan sarang burung layang-layang.

* Peruntukan RM58 juta untuk bangunkan infrastruktur asas ladang ternakan dan mewujudkan rangkaian bekalan untuk pengeluaran daging dan kambing.

* Konsortium Felda, Felcra dan Risda akan diwujudkan menjelang akhir tahun 2009, dengan modal berbayar RM300 juta dengan setiap agensi menyumbang RM100 juta.

* Kerajaan menyediakan subsidi, insentif dan bantuan berjumlah RM2 bilion untuk petani dan nelayan untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka.

* Peruntukan RM9 bilion untuk biayai projek infrastruktur, dengan RM4.7 bilion untuk projek jalan dan jambatan, RM2.6 bilion untuk bekalan air dan perkhidmatan pembentungan, RM899 juta untuk kemudahan rel, RM820 juta untuk perkhidmatan pelabuhan dan laut serta RM276 juta untuk projek lapangan terbang.

* Menyepadukan 79 dana PKS kepada 33 untuk memudahkan akses kepada pembiayaan PKS. Akan diselaraskan oleh SME Corp.

* Memperuntuk RM350 juta kepada SME Corp dengan RM200 juta untuk pinjaman mudah PKS, RM100 juta peningkatan keupayaan dan bankinya untuk penjenaman dan promosi.

* Institusi kewangan meluluskan pembiayaan makro pada purata enam hari dan penyerahan dalam tempoh empat hari.

* Memperuntuk RM538 juta untuk pelaksanaan pelbagai program PKS dengan RM281 juta kepada perbadanan kemajuan ekonomi negeri, RM200 juta untuk TEKUN dan RM57 juta untuk membeli premis perniagaan, infrastruktur dan sebagainya.

* Memperkenal insurans asas dan skim takaful untuk perlindungan insurans motor pada pertengahan 2010.

* Memperluas liputan takaful dan insurans mikro kepada peniaga kecil, dengan manfaat perlindungan daripada RM10,000 kepada RM20,000, pada premium serendah RM20 sebulan.

* Pasaran saham akan diliberalisasikan lagi untuk meningkatkan kecekapan.

* Meliberalisasi aturan perkongsian komisyen antara broker saham dan remisier dengan membenarkan perkongsian pembrokeran fleksibel pada kadar minimum 40 peratus dan meliberalisasikan sepenuhnya perkongsian komisten berkuat kuasa 1 Januari, 2011.

* Membenarkan penyertaan 100 peratus ekuiti asing dalam syarikat perancangan kewangan dan kewangan korporat.

* Semua syarikat senaraian awam akan menawarkan e-Dividen dan syarikat pemerokeran saham menyediakan opsyen e-pembayaran.

* Insentif cukai sedia ada untuk perkhidmatan kewangan, terutama kewangan Islam, dilanjutkan hingga 2015.

* Pengecualian duti setem 20 peratus ke atas instrumen pembangunan kewangan Islam.

* Pengecualian cukai ke aras keuntungan bank dariapda operasi luar negara.

* Potongan berganda perbelanjaan yang ditanggung untuk mempromosikan Malaysia sebagai pusat kewangan antarabangsa.

* Potongan ke atas perbelanjaan yang ditanggung bagi penubuhan syarikat-syarikat pembrokeran Islam.

* Potongan ke atas perbelanjaan yang ditanggung bagi penerbitan sekuriti.

* Kerajaan akan menggalakkan semua institusi perbankan dan kewangan yang mematuhi syariah seperti Bank Muamalat dan Bank Islam untuk menawarkan skim Ar-Rahnu.

* Kerajaan akan memastikan koridor pembangunan serantau dimajukan mengikut jadual. Setakat ini 126 daripada 195 projek perancangan di pelbagai peringkat pelaksanaan. Pelaburan yang dirancang berjumlah RM221 bilion sudah mengatasi sasaran perbelanjaan Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan sebanyak RM145 bilion.

* Kerajaan akan memperuntukkan RM3.5 bilion untuk kemudahan asas dan infrastruktur serta program latihan dan projek sosio ekonomi untuk menyokong pelaksaan projek sektor swasta.

* Kerajaan kini dalam peringkat awal menyiapkan kajian pelaksanaan Cukai Perkhidmatan dan Barangan (GST). Kadar itu akan dikurangan berbanding cukai perkhidmatan dan jualan semasa.

* Cukai pendapatan bagi 2010 berdasarkan pendapatan yang diperoleh mulai 2009 akan dibenar dibayar secara ansuran dalam lima tahun.

* Cukai lima peratus akan dikenakan ke atas keuntungan daripada pelupusan hartanah mulai 1 Jan, 2010.

* Cukai perkhidmatan RM50 dikenakan ke atas setiap kad kredit utama dan kad caj serta RM25 setahun bagi setiap kad tambahan mulai 1 Januari, 2010.

* RM100,000 dikenakan untuk setiap AP untuk pemegang kad AP terbuka berkuatkuasa 1 Januari, 2010. Sebahagian daripada kutipan akan disalurkan kepada dana pembangunan Bumiputera dalam sektor automatif.

* Akan memperkenal skim insurans asas dan takaful untuk perlindungan insurans motor pada pertengahan 2010.

* Akan memperluas liputan insurans mikro dan takaful untuk peniagaan kecil mendapat manfaat daripada perlindungan RM10,000 hingga RM20,000 dengan premium serendah RM20 sebulan.

* Pasaran saham diliberalisasikan untuk kecekapan.

* Membenarkan penyertaan ekuiti asing 100 peratus dalam kewangan korporat dan perancangan kewangan.

* Semua syarikat senarai awam akan menawarkan e-Dividen dan syarikat broker saham menyediakan opsyen e-pembayaran.

* Insentif cukai semasa untuk majukan perkhidmatan kewangan, terutama kewangan Islam, dilanjutkan hingga 2015.

* Pengecualian duti setem 20 preatus ke atas instrumen kewangan Islam.

* Pengecualian cukai ke atas keuntungan perbankan yang diperoleh menerusi operasi luar negara.

* Mulai 1 Januari 2010, kerajaan bersetuju membenarkan agensi kerajaan mengekalkan 50 peratus sewa yang diterima manakala baki 50 peratus lagi dimasukkan dalam perolehan kerajaan.

* Kerajaan akan laksana sistem pengurusan subsidi bahan api pada awal 2010.

* Kerajaan mencadangkan kadar cukai pendapatan maksimum dikurangkan kepada 26 peratus daripada 27 peratus berkuat kuasa mulai tahun penilaian 2010.

* Kadar cukai maksimum koperasi akan dikurangkan kepada 26 peratus manakala kadar cukai tetap bagi individu bukan pemastautin akan dikurangkan kepada 26 peratus.

* Pengecualaian cukan persendirian akan dinaikkan kepada RM9,000 daripada RM8,000 berkuat kuasa mulai tahun penilaian 2010.

* Kerajaan mencadangkan cukai pendapatan bagi pendapatan pekerja Malaysia dan pekerja asing yang menetap dan bekerja di Iskandar Malaysia sebanyak 15 peratus berbanding maksium 26 peratus untuk seluruh negara.

* RM14.8 bilion diperuntuk untuk mengurus, membangun dan menaik taraf hospital dan klinik.

* Kerajaan akan terbitkan Sukuk 1Malaysia bernilai RM3 bilion.

* Kerajaan akan mewujudkan Skim Persaraan 1Malaysia yang diurus oleh KWSP. – Bernama

America's Secret Addiction

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America is a nation of self-disclosers, amiably acceptant of our weaknesses. Celebrities, family members, coworkers and friends think nothing of admitting their compulsions and dependencies on alcohol, street drugs, prescription medications. We enter rehab programs, clean up, dry out, and go on with our lives: beating our problem or entering a long series of relapses and treatment episodes. Except, perhaps, for politicians or ministers, there is little social stigma attached to such mistakes unless there are criminal overtones that may lead to incarceration.

Television and films have educated us on the dangers and side effects of dependence upon alcohol, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, designer drugs, steroids, pain pills, cannabis and opium. We had to coin the term chemical dependency (CD) to completely cover the broad and ever-growing field. We approach individuals ensnared in their abuse as victims of a disease, to be educated and helped as long as they have a willingness to change and are prepared for the painful journey that owning responsibility for one’s own self-destructive behavior demands.  

But the most widespread, self-destructive, dangerous addiction afflicting America is never discussed: FOOD. 

The treatment of overeating is extensive: diet clinics, fitness programs, fat farms, plastic surgery. We collectively spend billions of dollars on weight loss aids and fitness equipment. We decry the epidemic of obesity that is overtaking our population to an enormous (literally) degree. We investigate metabolism and hormonal effects. We debate the comparative merits and flaws of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and roughage. We develop new vitamin and mineral formulae. Diet books, support groups, internet clubs, and television shows trumpet tips, techniques, special aids and hundreds of weight control regimes that promise inevitable weight loss with the right combination of “tasty” and “delicious” foods, guaranteed to ensure that our comfort levels remain high and our self-discipline minimally challenged.  

We fail to confront the irrefutable fact that obesity is caused by food addiction. Excuses and metabolic rationales aside (No, Virginia, no one ever walked out of a Nazi concentration camp or a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp fat – macabre but true) our out-of-control overweight is a direct result of our obsession with, and dependency on, too much food. 

You may disagree. After all, the other CD addictions are for substances we can totally banish from our lives whereas we have to eat to live.  

Consider the problem from a slightly different perspective. In the United States, an “all or nothing” society, the goal of the typical CD treatment program is total abstention. The alcoholic is taught that one sip of liquor is never acceptable and constitutes a full relapse from which recovery must start over. In Europe, and many other parts of the world, moderation is considered more realistic than abstention. The goal is to lower the level of usage to the point where it has no deleterious effects on the user’s life and the problems – work, relationships, mood, productivity – are resolved.  

Such a model can more easily be applied to food. Our bodies require a certain level of sustenance to thrive. It is when the intake becomes excessive that problems arise: appearance, the inability to be active, fatigue, depressed mood, and strains on the internal organs. If we can temper that level of intake, we can avert the consequences that follow overindulgence in anything.  

Such is indeed the focus of many weight control programs. However, they are missing one vital ingredient: acceptance of personal responsibility. At a 12-Step meeting, members repetitively admit to the group: “My name is B and I’m an alcoholic.” Imagine, if you will, the different atmosphere that would be engendered if a member were to state: “My name is B. I drink a lot because I inherited the genes from my drunken parents and I can’t drink, like all my friends can, without overdoing it. It’s so unfair that everyone else can enjoy a drink and I can’t.”  

Such a statement sounds ridiculous coming from an admitted problem drinker yet that is exactly what we allow from our problem eaters. It is far more likely that we will tell a close friend: “M, I think you have a problem with alcohol and I want you to get help,” than we will tell an equally close friend: “G, I think you have a problem with too much eating and I want you to get help.”  

We remain silent about overweight because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. We use euphemisms like “heavy” and “queen-sized” to avoid the word “fat.” When a very overweight friend asks plaintively, “Don’t you think this dress makes me look slimmer?” we quietly agree, refusing to give the honest answer that nothing in the world will make her look slimmer except losing 60 pounds of avoirdupois!  

One lesson learned over decades of CD research and treatment is that the problem must be acknowledged before it can be addressed and beaten. CD clients are notorious for making excuses, playing mind games with those around them, and shirking self-responsibility whenever they can. If we can bring ourselves to acknowledge that we are addicted to food, it allows for eventual movement into a process of change, bypassing the excuses and rationalizations at which overeaters excel -- to an extent that their CD counterparts would admire. 

Confrontation of the problem requires that we drop the façade of politeness and euphemistic phrasing. As a society, we need to look at others and ourselves and call it as we see it. If I’m fat, I’m fat, and it’s my responsibility to not only admit that honestly, but to also admit to myself and the world that it is my fault: I am the one who made myself fat. No one else forced food into my mouth. Like the recovering alcoholic at the bar, I can always say no or drink a plain club soda. Like the recovering cocaine addict who learns to stay away from certain street corners or drug houses, I can stay away from bakeries, fast food outlets, and pizza parlors. 

Weight control can be simple – eat only what you need to survive – but never easy. The fallacy of many diets is that we can lose weight without suffering. Stopping or minimizing CD abuse is always painful and a craving for chocolate, ice cream, or the urge for sugar (no one seems to crave vegetables) can be as overwhelming to the dieter as the addict’s emotional need for his drug of choice.  

Naming our national weight problem for what it really is, a plain old addiction to food, releases us to start the process of rehab and recovery that has been so completely developed in the CD field. Honesty, and the willingness to work through pain to reach our goal, allows us to not only accept our responsibility for our problem but also to relish the triumph of our eventual success.
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Date: Monday, October 19, 2009 |
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A Beauty Salon Will Help You Look Your Best!

Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009 |
by: Mike Yeager

A beauty salon will help you look your very best with a price that will fit in almost any budget. A beauty salon will be able to make your hair, skin, toes, and fingernails look marvelous. In addition, most beauty salons offer their services for a fairly reasonable price. However, sometimes it may be difficult to choose what service you want. If that is the case, simply be on the lookout for any fashion style that you like. Look through magazines and cut out photos of styles and colors that you find pleasing. Take notes so that when you do go to a beauty salon, you will know exactly what you want. However, be aware that some beauty salons are better than others. To make sure that you are in high-quality beauty salon, check to see if it has clean beauty salon equipment and a clean work area. Also, be aware that in most states, beauty salons are required to publicly display their establishment license. If the salon or barbershop won’t show you an establishment license, you don’t know whether the shop’s health and safety procedures have been approved by the state.

Time saving Beauty Salon Tips.

A beauty salon visit can be time consuming. To get the most from your visit and still have time left in your day, try these time-trimming tips. Before you leave your beauty salon, schedule your next appointment. Call ahead on your appointment day to see if your stylist is running on time. If not, you won’t have to waste time sitting at the beauty salon when you could be home. If you want to be quickly in and out for your beauty salon appointment, try to schedule the first appointment for the day.

Mike Yeager

Elephant one upon a time in india

Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009 |

Organic Gardening

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Organic gardening is not just the avoidance of chemicals, in the larger view, it is organic living using natures laws. I read this quote by an unknown person sometime ago and realized that my parents and others like them were organic gardeners long before the current resurrection of these principles. They didnt use chemicals on the food they would feed to their children and gardening was a part of daily living to ensure there was sufficient food to preserve for the long winters. Everything was re-cycled and kitchen scraps were routinely thrown onto the garden to replenish the earth. Organic fertilizers such as manure were used and the only fertilizer on the roses was bone meal. My mother and father produced the best tasting vegetables and lots of them enough to feed a family of seven throughout the winter. Birds, worms, and other signs of a living earth were welcomed into the garden.
In recent times synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides have become the practice most common among commercial agricultural practices. These practices have had some undesirable results such as the loss or depletion of topsoil, land becomes less fertile, and the excessive use of pesticides has resulted in pests resistant to the current chemicals resulting in the development of even stronger chemicals. Our environment is being damaged by toxic chemical spills, chemicals leaching into rivers and water supplies are contaminating our drinking water, and the effect of global warming is becoming a major part of the political agenda.
Our personal diet and health is a major topic of importance as more attention is being paid to the relationship between food and health. Research has demonstrated that organically grown vegetables are higher in vitamins and minerals than those grown with inorganic fertilizers. Gardening organically and growing as much of our own food as possible is one of the steps we can take to start healing the earth on which we live and in the process healing ourselves. Several key components are fundamental to the practice of organic gardening.
Practical Steps to Organic Gardening
1. Soil. The soil is kept healthy by working with Nature rather than against it. Practices include using organic fertilizers such as manure to replenish the earth and all refuse produced by the garden should be recycled back into the garden. Organic gardening uses all of the waste produced in the garden such as grass clippings, leaves, and leftovers from the kitchen to make compost that feeds the soil and keeps it full of the nutrients necessary to grow crops.
2. Avoid the use of all synthetic chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Eliminating the use of chemicals in the garden allows gardeners to not worry about children, pets, and wildlife coming in contact with synthetic weed killers and fertilizers on the lawn and shrubs. The food grown is pesticide-free, additive-free, and nutritious food for the table.
3. Sustainability. In his book, Gardening Organically, John Fedor defines sustainability as the ability of a society or an ecosystem to function indefinitely without squandering the resources on which it relies. Organic gardening does this by ensuring there is no loss of nutrients or topsoil in the garden.
4. Environmental Stewardship. Gardening organically means that the environment benefits from the reduction in contamination of the water supply and air pollution. It means that we provide a habitat for wildlife including beneficial insects and animals.
5. Wildlife-friendly Habitats. Informal areas can be created to assist wildlife in their search for habitat where they can survive the destruction of many areas; destructions that have now endangered many species.
6. Intensive planting. Plants are spaced closely together to conserve water and shield the soil from sunlight thus helping to prevent weed seeds from germinating and growing.
7. Biodiversity. Biodiversity ensures that when a change in growing conditions occurs, a single crop from a monoculture does not lead to a crop failure. The food supply does not become jeopardized when a diversity of species are planted.
8. Rotating Crops. Crop rotation assists in the control against soil-borne pests and diseases. This rotation makes a difference in the productivity of the garden as those diseases that affect the plants are kept in check by the rotation of the crops to other areas of the garden.
9. Watering and Weeding. Rainwater can be saved to water the garden. Soaker hoses, drip irrigation, and watering by hand conserve water. Mulches are invaluable in both water conservation and slowing down weed germination.
10. Saving Seeds. Save some seeds from your best plants when harvesting crops. Many old varieties are being lost at an alarming rate and preserving this biodiversity is important. Some of these saved seeds have been used to develop new strains after disaster has affected commonly cultivated varieties.
Gwen Nyhus Stewart, B.S.W., M.G., H.T., is an educator, freelance writer, garden consultant, and author of the book The Healing Garden: A Place Of Peace Gardening For The Soil, Gardening For The Soul. She owns the website Gwens Healing Garden where you will find lots of free information about gardening for the soil and gardening for the soul.

How to Lose Weight While Gardening

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Have you ever dreaded the idea of pulling weeds, planting a tree, or pushing a lawn mower around the yard?
Does just thinking about it make you sweat? I am sure the majority of are nodding your heads in agreement. What I am about to suggest only takes a slight change in your thinking and a bit of planning and you can learn how to lose weight and get in better shape while gardening this year.
For those of you that are already gardeners, you know that gardening is one of the best ways to get exercise because it involves all of the muscle groups in your body.
Like I mentioned earlier, we only need to change the way you think about outside chores. See I am falling into the trap too, I just called them chores. Instead, you should think of them as outdoor exercises that are designed to enhance the condition of your body and help you lose weight.
As with any exercise program, check with your doctor before starting. Make sure you are dressed properly and that you stretch before beginning.
If you arent used to exercising in the garden or have been relatively inactive all winter, start slowly. Start with weeding, watering, and planting seeds.
As you feel yourself getting stronger you can increase your gardening repertoire to include: pruning, heavy digging, hoeing, pushing a loaded wheelbarrow, or mowing the lawn. I think you get the idea because the list of outdoor gardening exercise ideas is endless!
Even carrying plants or a bag of potting soil to the car from the store and then out into the yard is exercise! You can potentially burn up to 300-600 calories per hour depending on your intensity and which gardening exercises you engage in.
You CAN lose weight by gardening ~ eat less and move more! The following list shows what a typical man weighing 180 pounds will burn in 30 minutes of activity. If you weigh more you can burn even more calories!
• Watering lawn/garden~ 61
• Raking~ 162
• Bagging leaves~ 162
• Planting seeds/seedlings~ 162
• Planting trees~ 182
• Weeding ~ 182
• Clearing Land ~ 202
• Digging, spading, tilling~ 202
• Laying Sod~202
• General gardening~ 202
• Chopping wood~ 243
• Gardening with heavy power tools~ 243
• Mowing the lawn with a push mower~ 243
• Shoveling snow~ 243
• Shoveling heavy snow~ 364 cals
Tips for your success:
1. Dont over do it~ one or two hours of gardening is plenty, especially when you are beginning!
2. Dont lift objects that are too heavy for you. If you injure yourself, chances are that you wont be able to continue to garden for exercise and weight loss.
3. Stretch before, during and after gardening. Dont stay down on your knees while weeding or planting for extended periods of time~ get up and move!
4. Get out in your garden and exercise at least 3-4 times a week.
5. Continue your outdoor exercise routine even after you last blooms have faded. Shoveling the snow, raking leaves, and splitting wood are great calorie burners that will lead to weight loss!
6. Dont forget the added benefit of growing your own healthy fruits and vegetables and your yard will look beautiful from all of your hard work!
7. Have Fun and "Just do it"!
Once you get into the habit of viewing gardening as an excellent way to lose weight and stay in shape, you may never go back to the gym again!
Candee Stark

Diet Recipes: Vegetable Weight Loss Recipes

Date: Friday, October 16, 2009 |
Eat your veggies - especially your lettuce. But don't confine yourself to iceberg lettuce or salads! Darker greens have about the same number of calories and carbs -very low! - but pack a lot more punch in the vitamins and other nutrient categories.

By substituting radicchio, watercress, escarole or spinach for the iceberg lettuce, you add vitamin C, riboflavin’s, manganese and other essential vitamins that aren't present in lettuce. Try them braised, steamed or grilled for something a little different from the usual salad.

Here are some vegetable weight loss recipes for greens that will tickle your taste buds and make your heart happy!

Diet Recipe: Wilted Spinach Salad

The onions take on a natural sweetness that contrasts with the tangy yogurt and the bite of the spinach. A family favorite that's low in calories and high in important nutrients.

Here’s what you need:

2 cups spinach leaves 
1 medium onion peeled, sliced 
2 tbs. olive oil 
1/2 cup plain yogurt

Sauté onions in olive oil till transparent. Add spinach and toss in pan to coat with oil until leaves are barely wilted. Stir in yogurt while the spinach is still warm. Eat hot or cold. Only 50 calories per serving!

With this recipe, you’ll get: protein, calcium, vitamin c, manganese, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, beta carotene, vitamin K, ALA

Here is another vegetable recipe:

Grilled Radicchio

Dijon mustard and Worcestershire sauce add spice to heart-healthy 
radicchio without adding much in the way of calories. 

1 head radicchio 
1 tbs. olive oil 
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 
1 tbs. Dijon mustard 
A splash of Worcestershire sauce

Combine all ingredients except radicchio in small bowl. Cut head of 
radicchio in 1/4 inch slices. Brush cut side with marinade mixture. Grill over hot coals till browned. Only 25 calories per serving!

With this recipe, you’ll get: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, foliate, vitamin K, beta carotene, 

Spinach, Mushroom, Anchovy Salad Recipe

Anchovies are one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids AND they're low in calories. Simple to fix and delicious for dinner, on its own, or with a bowl of chunky pasta.

6 cups spinach leaves, loosely packed
1 2 oz can anchovies in oil
10-12 small mushrooms
Juice of 1 lemon

Wash and dry spinach. Drain anchovy oil into sauté pan and warm. Add anchovies and gently stir over heat till anchovies are dissolved in oil. Slice mushrooms thickly and add to anchovy oil, sautéing till browned. Add spinach, tossing with oil and anchovies till just wilted. Spritz with squeezed lemon. Only 50 calories per serving!

With this recipe, you’ll get: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, foliate, vitamin K, beta carotene, niacin, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, omega 3 fatty acids, riboflavin, and calcium.

Weight Loss Recipe: Walnut and Raisin Greens

Get even more essential fatty acids and antioxidants in this great tasting warm salad. 

6 cups greens, loosely packed (spinach, collard, turnip will all work well)
2 tbs. walnut oil
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Chop greens and place in shallow bowl. Heat walnut oil slowly over low heat. Mash garlic cloves and sauté in walnut oil till soft and browned. 
Add raisins and toss, and then add walnuts and heat through. Pour over greens and toss to coat well. Only 150 calories per serving!

With this vegetable recipe, you’ll get: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, foliate, vitamin K, beta carotene, niacin, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, omega 3 fatty acids, riboflavin, and calcium.

Smart Weight Loss Plan

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One of the first things that you'll do when you decide to lose weight is to set a goal weight.For most, that goal will be their 'ideal weight', but for many, that 'ideal weight' may be exactly the wrong weight for them to be aiming for.

Years of dieting or being overweight have the physiological effect of moving the body's concept of the 'ideal weight' from what is truly considered ideal. The 'set point' is the weight at which your body naturally feels most comfortable.

If you've been overweight for a very long time, or if you've consistently 'yo-yoed', your body 

may respond to your initial weight loss program by lowering its metabolism because it believes that you are starving to death. This slowing leads to discouraging plateaus that often knock people off their diets entirely, and lead to regaining all or part of the lost weight.

In addition, choose your exercise routine you want to do, whether it is just walking, riding your bike or using a treadmill.Using exercise equipment can strengthen and build muscles which will help you burn the fat off more quickly.

Set Short Term Weight Loss Goals
Instead of aiming for an 'ideal weight' that calls for you to lose weight steadily for months or even years, many experts recommend aiming for shorter-term attainable goals.

Since the bulk of diet research shows that most dieters lose weight steadily for about 12 weeks, then hit a plateau, that's the number that they suggest you aim for with your weight loss plan. The strategy that many have found works best for them is one of alternating periods of weight loss and maintenance, each lasting 8-12 weeks.
Choose a realistic amount of weight that you can lose in 8-12 weeks. Figuring that the most reasonable and healthiest weight loss rate is 1-2 pounds per week, 30 pounds in three months is not unreasonable. Diet until you reach that goal, or for 12 weeks, whichever comes first, and then switch to a maintenance diet.

Maintenance Of Your Weight Loss
Why switch to a maintenance diet at that point? In part, you're giving yourself a 'breather', a break from more restrictive eating. The other part, though, is that you're re-educating your body and letting it establish a new 'set point'.

Once you've maintained your new weight for 8-12 weeks, set another weight loss goal, and move back into weight loss mode. By giving your body a break from 'starvation', 

you'll have overcome its resistance to losing more weight, and be back to dieting for 'the first two weeks' - the weeks that most people lose weight more rapidly.
  You'll also be giving yourself a chance to 'practice' maintaining your new, healthier weight. Researchers have found that more than half of the dieters who take off significant amounts of weight do not maintain that weight loss once they go 'off' their diet.By practicing weight maintenance in stages, you'll be proving to yourself that you CAN do it, and removing a powerful negative psychological block.

This will work with any long-term weight loss diet, no matter the focus. You'll find it much easier to do if you choose a diet that has concrete 'phases', since the weight loss and maintenance phases are clearly laid out for you to follow.

Well, that was long, but detailed. This information gives you a broad picture, so you can see that this is not a quick weight loss site, but one that will help you 
find a weight loss plan and lose weight in a healthy and safe way.

4 Great Diet Tips

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by: Jeannie Crabtree
4 Great Diet Tips
By Jeannie Crabtree

Here are 4 diet tips we all need reminded of from time to time.

Diet Tip 1: Never eat standing up.

Mom was right. Sit down and eat your food! Never eat standing up. One of the easiest ways to sabotage your diet is to 'eat without thinking'. Fix yourself a plate. Sit down and eat properly. You'll be less likely to just pop food into your mouth without paying attention.

Diet Tip 2: Fluids

Drinking plain water is always top choice on a diet. You can also drink flavored water instead of soda. Soda is nothing but empty calories. No nutrients, lots of sugar. Instead, grab a bottle of water flavored with a spritz of fruit. 

Drink water. Even the FDA recommends at least 8 full 8 ounce glasses of water a day to keep your body working right.

When you're dieting, you should drink even more. It's not just that full feeling - water helps your body digest foods properly, cleans out your system and hydrates you. Many people are a little dehydrated part of the time.

Diet Tip 3: Skip High Fat Foods and Snacks

Skip the fatty snacks fried in hydrogenated oil like potato chips and french fries. These kind of snacks contribute fat and calories and not much else. Foods like this are a no no on a diet.

Instead, grab a handful of dried fruit or a cup of yogurt for the same amount of calories and a lot more nutritional benefit. You want to upgrade your diet in general.

Diet Tip 4: Yes, You Need Exercise

Can't afford a gym membership? Make an agreement with friends or family to exercise together. Make a date at least three times a week to play volleyball, take a walk or spend half an hour doing something active. You will draw closer to your friends and family, while burning off excess weight. Pretty soon every one will notice your weight loss.

3 Surprising Statistics About Our Weight

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by: Emily Clark

To say that Americans are obsessed with dieting is an
understatement! Pick up any magazine, tune-in or turn-on any
source of advertising and you're bombarded with the latest diet
schemes and food fads. More often than not, they are endorsed by
some familiar Hollywood celebrity, or promoted using some other
cleaver technique. 

It's no mystery that the weight-loss industry has built a
thriving empire. In America, for example, we spend about 35
billion dollars every year on an assortment of weight loss
products and plans. In addition, we spend another 79 billion
dollars for medication, hospitalization, and doctors to treat
obesity-related problems. Even with this, the obesity epidemic
continues to spread. Sadly, we have become the heaviest
generation in our Nation's history. 

The National Center for Health Statistics reports that we have
some very good reasons to be concerned about our weight-gain.
Americans, for example are packing-on the pounds faster than ever
before and weight-related medical problems are taking center
stage. Diseases like heart disease, diabetes and yes...even
certain forms of cancer have all been linked to obesity. 

Here are a few of the surprising statistics about our weight: 

- A whopping 64 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or
obese. That's up approximately 8 percent from overweight
estimates obtained in a 1988 report. 

- The percent of children who are overweight is also continuing
to increase. Among children and teens ages 6-19, 15 percent or
almost 9 million are overweight. That's triple what the rate was
in 1980! 

- Nearly one-third of all adults are now classified as obese. At
present, 31 percent of adults 20 years of age and over or nearly
59 million people have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater,
compared with 23 percent in 1994. 

(The BMI is a number that shows body weight adjusted for height.
For adults, a BMI of 18.5 - 24.9 is considered normal. A BMI of
25.0 - 29.9 is overweight and 30.0 or above, is considered

Modern life both at home and at work has come to revolve around
moving from one "seated" position to another: whether it's
television, computers, remote controls, or automobiles, we seem
to be broadening the scope of our inactive endeavors. 

At times, life seems to have gotten almost too easy! For
entertainment, we can now just sit-down, dial-up our favorite TV
program or DVD movie and enjoy hours of uninterrupted

And all those simple calorie burning activities that were once a
normal part of our daily routine not so long ago? Long gone! You
know the ones I'm talking about...activities like climbing stairs
instead of using escalators and elevators. Or, pushing a lawn
mower instead of riding around on a garden tractor. And what
about that daily walk to school? Now, our kids complain when the
school bus happens to be a few minutes late getting to the bus

Along with the convenience of our affluent lifestyle and
reduction in energy expenditure, have come changes in our diet.
We are now consuming more calorie rich and nutrient deficient
foods than ever before. 

Here are a few examples of what we were eating in the 1970's
compared to our diet today (information is taken from a recent
U.S. Department of Agriculture survey): 

- We are currently eating more grain products, but almost all of
them are refined grains (white bread, etc.). Grain consumption
has jumped 45 percent since the 1970s, from 138 pounds of grains
per person per year to 200 pounds! Only 2 percent of the wheat
flour is consumed as whole wheat. 

- Our consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, but
only because the U.S.D.A. includes French fries and potato chips
as a vegetable. Potato products account for almost a third of our
"produce" choices. 

- We're drinking less milk, but we've more than doubled our
cheese intake. Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source
of saturated fat in our diets. 

- We've cut back on red meat, but have more than made up for the
loss by increasing our intake of chicken (battered and fried), so
that overall, we're eating 13 pounds more meat today than we did
back in the 1970s. 

- We're drinking three times more carbonated soft drinks than
milk, compared to the 1970's, when milk consumption was twice
that of pop. 

- We use 25 percent less butter, but pour twice as much vegetable
oil on our food and salads, so our total added fat intake has
increased 32 percent. 

- Sugar consumption has been another cause of our expanding
waistlines. Sugar intake is simply off the charts. According to
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, people are consuming roughly
twice the amount of sugar they need each day, about 20 teaspoons
on a 2000 calorie/day diet. The added sugar is found mostly in
junk foods, such as pop, cake, and cookies. 

- In 1978, the government found that sugars constituted only 11
percent of the average person's calories. Now, this number has
ballooned to 16 percent for the average American adult and as
much as 20 percent for American teenagers. 

The days of the wholesome family dinners so near and dear to our
hearts, where we all sat around the kitchen table to discuss
events of the day, are now a part of our sentimental past. They
have been replaced by our cravings for take-out and fast-food. We
have gradually come to accept that it's "OK" to sacrifice healthy
foods for the sake of convenience and that larger serving
portions mean better value. 

And, since I have been throwing-out statistics, here's one more:
Americans are consuming about 300 more calories each day than we
did twenty years ago. We should actually be eating less because
of our decreased activity level, but instead are doing the

Decide TODAY that healthy eating and exercise habits will become
a permanent part of your life! 

Begin to explore your values and thoughts and other areas of your
life where change may be required, and then take action. Begin
slowly, but deliberately to make improvements in the areas you
identify. And remember, it has taken a very long time to develop
your habits, and it will take some time to undo them…so be

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes 
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any 
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any 
health care program.


Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009 |


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